It's starting to hit me that I'll be half-way around the world in less than a week.
After finishing my finals and getting almost everything squared away from the past three months of school, I fell into feeling like I had time to rest. Instead of continuing with my ridiculous list of things to do to get ready for Taiwan, I've been engaged in way too many forms of timesink (youtube, facebook, and other forms of non-productive crap).
I can't keep playing around like this.
There's so much that I not only need to do, but want to do.
I want to see some people for what may be the last time, as they've also graduated and are moving on to terrifying pursuits of employment and settling down and what not. I want them to know that I valued our time together. Also want to see some people that I will inevitably see again. No matter how much I think I can get along without them, I need to remember that I don't want to. Most importantly, I want to embrace the fact that my time is only valuable if I use it purposely. Otherwise, my past three years of work will mean nothing - not to myself, employers, or anyone else. My accomplishments must be a beginning, not an end.